Saturday, July 14, 2007
Another IMDb mention
So, Pick-Up Flix landed another mention on IMDb's Hit List about a week ago. The first one generated about a dozen responses; the most recent one about double that. I'm going to keep trying to get on there and hopefully (cross my fingers, laces don't count) readership will go up and up and up. It's been about a week since I've posted last ... my apologies on taking so long. It's been a busy week. First there was Independence Day, then the Warped Tour (see my pictures here) and then just this week I was without a Internet because I was getting a high-speed connection on my computer (feel free to welcome me to the 21st Century). But fret not, new posts are coming. And I have a bunch too, including one on the life and times of actor Brad Renfro and another on the colorful language in True Grit, a terrific John Wayne movie always overshadowed by the much-overrated The Searchers. Until then, pilgrims.