Some brief randomness:
First, check out this horrible-terrible-awful publicity still for The Muppets. You might have to click on it to enlarge the beast but you'll notice right quick that it's entirely out of focus. Not just soft, but blurry. This is the oddest of several odd photo choices on Disney's press site for the rather terrific Muppet movie. And another strange thing is that there's no consistency on the file sizes. There are 20 MB files and then there are 4 MB files. Then the Disney hacks upload print versions and online versions as well, which makes browsing the site feel rather redundant. It's one of the more confusing publicity sites.
Secondly, please check out my favorite new photo site, The Kingston Lounge. This guy wander around Brooklyn and thereabouts to document decaying buildings and forgotten structures. I can't help but think of movies like The Road when looking through the eerie photos of crumbling spiral staircases, molding hospital rooms and theaters with sagging plaster molding and broken wood framing. Oh, and the photography is amazing.
And lastly, check out my second favorite new site, If We Don't, Remember Me, or just IWDRM. This site features a variety of movie GIFs and they're perfect little windows into the souls of the movies from which they came. Animated stills from Fargo, M, American Pyscho, The Royal Tenenbaums, Full Metal Jacket and Once Upon A Time in the West (pictured, click to animate) are just a small collection of the many wonderful GIFs. I think I watched the Tron one for like 20 cycles — mesmerizing.