Monday, October 8, 2012

Stop-motion lives ... and Frankenweenie pix

Three stop-motion movies in a year! Who has a blog, can’t spell “nauseau” without looking it up and is ecstatic beyond words? This guy. (I’m pointing at me, but you can point to yourself if it applies.)

Like this year’s ParaNorman and Pirates! Band of Misfits before it, Frankenweenie exemplifies the need for stop-motion movies to continue being made in Hollywood, which is somehow obliging everyone with more stop-motion movies (!!!) even though the medium isn’t bringing in Avengers-amounts of money.

I won’t endlessly wonder why these movies keep getting made, and instead be grateful that they are. Here are some behind-the-scenes shots from Frankenweenie. I love the scale of the characters and how the filmmakers are often holding them up and peering into their little eyes. It’s like a real-life Toy Story. (Also, what is wrong with Tim Burton's hair?)